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FM 2020 Portuguese Best Players Review, Profiles, page 9

Miguel Luís fm 2020 Miguel LuísM (C)
Fábio Vieira fm 2020 Fábio VieiraM (C), AM (LC)
Bruno Andrade fm 2020 Bruno AndradeM/AM (RL), ST (C)
Marcos Valente fm 2020 Marcos ValenteD (C)
João Mendes fm 2020 João MendesM/AM (C)
João Gamboa fm 2020 João GamboaDM, M (C)
Yuri fm 2020 YuriAM (L), ST (C)
João Aurélio fm 2020 João AurélioD/WB (R), M (RC), AM (R)
André Ferreira fm 2020 André FerreiraGK
Miguel Reisinho fm 2020 Miguel ReisinhoM (C)
Ricardo Machado fm 2020 Ricardo MachadoD (RC)
Ivo Pinto fm 2020 Ivo PintoD/WB (R)
Mika fm 2020 MikaGK
Bruno Pereirinha fm 2020 Bruno PereirinhaD/WB/M (RL)
Bura fm 2020 BuraD (C)
Ricardo fm 2020 RicardoGK
Vítor Gomes fm 2020 Vítor GomesM/AM (C)
Marco Paixao fm 2020 Marco PaixaoST (C)
António Xavier fm 2020 António XavierM (L), AM (RLC)
Pité fm 2020 PitéD (L), AM (RLC)
Marco Baixinho fm 2020 Marco BaixinhoD (C)
Guga fm 2020 GugaDM, M (C)
Francisco Conceição fm 2020 Francisco ConceiçãoAM (RL)
Diogo Gonçalves fm 2020 Diogo GonçalvesAM (RLC)
João Teixeira fm 2020 João TeixeiraM (C), AM (LC)
Bruno Paz fm 2020 Bruno PazDM, M (C)
Roderick Miranda fm 2020 Roderick MirandaD (C)
Vasco Fernandes fm 2020 Vasco FernandesD (RC)
Pedro Ferreira fm 2020 Pedro FerreiraDM, M (C), AM (L)
Hélder Barbosa fm 2020 Hélder BarbosaM (L), AM (RL)

Other Nations

fm20 Uruguay Uruguay
fm20 Turkey Turkey
fm20 Spain Spain
fm20 Portugal Portugal
fm20 Netherlands Netherlands
fm20 Italy Italy
fm20 Germany Germany
fm20 France France
fm20 England England
fm20 Croatia Croatia
fm20 Chile Chile
fm20 Brazil Brazil
fm20 Belgium Belgium
fm20 Argentina Argentina
fm20 Wales Wales
fm20 Venezuela Venezuela
fm20 United States United States
fm20 Ukraine Ukraine
fm20 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
fm20 Togo Togo
fm20 Sweden Sweden
fm20 Swaziland Swaziland
fm20 South Africa South Africa
fm20 Slovenia Slovenia
fm20 Slovakia Slovakia
fm20 Serbia Serbia
fm20 Senegal Senegal
fm20 Scotland Scotland
fm20 Russia Russia
fm20 Romania Romania



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