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FM 2020 Portuguese Best Players Review, Profiles, page 20

Claude Gonçalves fm 2020 Claude GonçalvesDM, M (C)
Vasco Rocha fm 2020 Vasco RochaM/AM (C)
Rodrigo Conceição fm 2020 Rodrigo ConceiçãoAM (RL)
Rabiola fm 2020 RabiolaST (C)
Samuel Lobato fm 2020 Samuel LobatoM/AM (C)
Ricardo Barros fm 2020 Ricardo BarrosST (C)
Nuno Moreira fm 2020 Nuno MoreiraM (C), AM (RC)
Miguel Abreu fm 2020 Miguel AbreuDM, M (C)
Gonçalo Agrelos fm 2020 Gonçalo AgrelosAM (RL)
João Lameira fm 2020 João LameiraDM, M (C)
Gonçalo Loureiro fm 2020 Gonçalo LoureiroD (C)
Carlos Fonseca fm 2020 Carlos FonsecaAM (RLC)
Daniel Martins fm 2020 Daniel MartinsD/WB (L)
Diego Batista fm 2020 Diego BatistaM (C)
Fábio Duarte fm 2020 Fábio DuarteGK
Nélson Pedroso fm 2020 Nélson PedrosoD (L)
Tiago Pereira fm 2020 Tiago PereiraGK
Paulo Tavares fm 2020 Paulo TavaresDM, M (C)
Miguel Nóbrega fm 2020 Miguel NóbregaD (C), DM
Dani Coelho fm 2020 Dani CoelhoD/WB (R)
Filipe Godinho fm 2020 Filipe GodinhoD/WB/M (R), AM (L)
Ayrton Ribeiro fm 2020 Ayrton RibeiroD (C), DM
Augusto Loureiro fm 2020 Augusto LoureiroD/WB (L), DM, M (LC)
Luís Pinheiro fm 2020 Luís PinheiroD/WB (R)
João Paulo fm 2020 João PauloD (C)
João Ferreira fm 2020 João FerreiraD/WB (R)
Ricardo Almeida fm 2020 Ricardo AlmeidaST (C)
Pedro Brazão fm 2020 Pedro BrazãoM (C), AM (RC)
Pedro Martelo fm 2020 Pedro MarteloST (C)
Tojó fm 2020 TojóD (C), DM

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