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FM 2021 Best French Teams to Manage, page 5

Blanc-Mesnil SF fm 2021 Blanc-Mesnil SFNat 3 - Paris Ile France
CMS Oissel fm 2021 CMS OisselNat 3 - Normandie
Blagnac FC fm 2021 Blagnac FCNat 3 - Occitanie
AS Muret fm 2021 AS MuretNat 3 - Occitanie
CS Meaux Académy fm 2021 CS Meaux AcadémyNat 3 - Paris Ile France
Racing CFF fm 2021 Racing CFFNat 3 - Paris Ile France
Besançon Foot fm 2021 Besançon FootNat 3 - Bourgogne FC
Biesheim ASC fm 2021 Biesheim ASCNat 3 - Grand Est
CSO Amnéville fm 2021 CSO AmnévilleNat 3 - Grand Est
FCM Aubervilliers fm 2021 FCM AubervilliersNat 3 - Paris Ile France
Villefranche Saint-Jean fm 2021 Villefranche Saint-JeanNat 3 - Corse - Med
AS Châtaigneraie Vendée fm 2021 AS Châtaigneraie VendéeNat 3 - Pays de la Loire
SCS Locminé fm 2021 SCS LocminéNat 3 - Bretagne
Bourgoin-Jallieu fm 2021 Bourgoin-JallieuNat 3 - Auvergne RA
AF Virois fm 2021 AF ViroisNat 3 - Normandie
Dinan Léhon FC fm 2021 Dinan Léhon FCNat 3 - Bretagne
FC Ouest Tourangeau 37 fm 2021 FC Ouest Tourangeau 37Nat 3 - Centre Val Loire
SO Châtellerault fm 2021 SO ChâtelleraultNat 3 - Nouv Aquitaine
Aviron Bayonnais fm 2021 Aviron BayonnaisNat 3 - Nouv Aquitaine
Avoine Chinon fm 2021 Avoine ChinonNat 3 - Centre Val Loire
US Lège Cap-Ferret fm 2021 US Lège Cap-FerretNat 3 - Nouv Aquitaine
CA Pontarlier fm 2021 CA PontarlierNat 3 - Bourgogne FC
FC Albères-Argelès fm 2021 FC Albères-ArgelèsNat 3 - Occitanie
FC Déols fm 2021 FC DéolsNat 3 - Centre Val Loire
TA Rennes fm 2021 TA RennesNat 3 - Bretagne
AS Cherbourg Football fm 2021 AS Cherbourg FootballNat 3 - Normandie
Olympique Alès Cévènnes fm 2021 Olympique Alès CévènnesNat 3 - Occitanie
Sablé Football Club fm 2021 Sablé Football ClubNat 3 - Pays de la Loire
US Vimy fm 2021 US VimyNat 3 - Hauts France
US Raon fm 2021 US RaonNat 3 - Grand Est
USSA Vertou fm 2021 USSA VertouNat 3 - Pays de la Loire
ASC Saint-Apollinaire fm 2021 ASC Saint-ApollinaireNat 3 - Bourgogne FC
Chambéry SF fm 2021 Chambéry SFNat 3 - Auvergne RA
FC Dieppe fm 2021 FC DieppeNat 3 - Normandie
Wasquehal Football fm 2021 Wasquehal FootballNat 3 - Hauts France

According to the top 15 players of each club.

Order By Nation

Uruguay Uruguay
Turkey Turkey
Spain Spain
Portugal Portugal
Netherlands Netherlands
Italy Italy
Germany Germany
France France
England England
Croatia Croatia
Chile Chile
Brazil Brazil
Belgium Belgium
Argentina Argentina
Wales Wales
Venezuela Venezuela
United States United States
Ukraine Ukraine
Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
Togo Togo
Sweden Sweden
Swaziland Swaziland
South Africa South Africa
Slovenia Slovenia
Slovakia Slovakia
Serbia Serbia
Senegal Senegal
Scotland Scotland
Russia Russia
Romania Romania
Republic of Ireland Republic of Ireland
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Poland Poland
Peru Peru
Paraguay Paraguay
Norway Norway
Nigeria Nigeria
Morocco Morocco
Mexico Mexico
Mali Mali
South Korea
KOR South Korea KOR
Japan Japan
Israel Israel
Iran Iran
Iceland Iceland
Honduras Honduras
Greece Greece
Egypt Egypt
Ecuador Ecuador
Denmark Denmark

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