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FM 2021 Romanian Best Players Review, Profiles, page 6

Vlad Achim fm 2021 Vlad AchimMC, DM
Florin Purece fm 2021 Florin PureceMC, AMC
Aurelian Chitu fm 2021 Aurelian ChituAML, AMR, STC
Denis Ciobotariu fm 2021 Denis CiobotariuDC
Nicolae Carnat fm 2021 Nicolae CarnatAML, AMR, STC
Alexandru Ionita fm 2021 Alexandru IonitaAMC, AMR
Marius Briceag fm 2021 Marius BriceagDL, DC
Razvan Andronic fm 2021 Razvan AndronicAMC, STC, MC
Razvan Ochirosii fm 2021 Razvan OchirosiiDL, WBL, ML, AML
Robert Hodorogea fm 2021 Robert HodorogeaDC
Andrei Pitian fm 2021 Andrei PitianDC, DM
Costinel Tofan fm 2021 Costinel TofanDR, WBR, MR
Andreas Calcan fm 2021 Andreas CalcanML, AML, AMR, STC
Florin Iacob fm 2021 Florin IacobGK
Claudiu Belu fm 2021 Claudiu BeluDR
Ion Gheorghe fm 2021 Ion GheorgheMC, AML
Alex Dobre fm 2021 Alex DobreML, AML, MR, AMR
Razvan Horj fm 2021 Razvan HorjDC
Ovidiu Herea fm 2021 Ovidiu HereaAMC, STC
Marco Ehmann fm 2021 Marco EhmannDC
Andrei Peteleu fm 2021 Andrei PeteleuDL, DR, WBR
Constantin Dima fm 2021 Constantin DimaDC
Alexandru Benga fm 2021 Alexandru BengaDC
Sergiu Suciu fm 2021 Sergiu SuciuMC
Vlad Morar fm 2021 Vlad MorarSTC
Adrian Scarlatache fm 2021 Adrian ScarlatacheDC, DR, WBR
Romario Moise fm 2021 Romario MoiseMC, AMC
Vladimir Screciu fm 2021 Vladimir ScreciuDC, DM, MC
Eduard Florescu fm 2021 Eduard FlorescuMC, AMC
Alexandru Tiganasu fm 2021 Alexandru TiganasuDL

Other Nations

fm21 Uruguay Uruguay
fm21 Turkey Turkey
fm21 Spain Spain
fm21 Portugal Portugal
fm21 Netherlands Netherlands
fm21 Italy Italy
fm21 Germany Germany
fm21 France France
fm21 England England
fm21 Croatia Croatia
fm21 Chile Chile
fm21 Brazil Brazil
fm21 Belgium Belgium
fm21 Argentina Argentina
fm21 Wales Wales
fm21 Venezuela Venezuela
fm21 United States United States
fm21 Ukraine Ukraine
fm21 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
fm21 Togo Togo
fm21 Sweden Sweden
fm21 Swaziland Swaziland
fm21 South Africa South Africa
fm21 Slovenia Slovenia
fm21 Slovakia Slovakia
fm21 Serbia Serbia
fm21 Senegal Senegal
fm21 Scotland Scotland
fm21 Russia Russia
fm21 Romania Romania



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