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FM 2020 Romanian Best Staff List, Profiles, page 7

FM 2019
Dennis Negoiţă fm 2020 Dennis NegoiţăPhysio
Iulian Oprea fm 2020 Iulian OpreaScout
Cătălin Barbu fm 2020 Cătălin BarbuPhysio
Dumitru Barbu fm 2020 Dumitru BarbuHead of Youth Development
Gheorghe Gaiu fm 2020 Gheorghe GaiuPhysio
Sorin Gurbăneanu fm 2020 Sorin GurbăneanuPhysio
Valentin David fm 2020 Valentin DavidGoalkeeping Coach
Cezar Honceriu fm 2020 Cezar HonceriuFitness Coach
Costin Curelea fm 2020 Costin CureleaAssistant Manager
Constantin Schumacher fm 2020 Constantin SchumacherManager
Ilie Stan fm 2020 Ilie StanManager
Constantin Niculae fm 2020 Constantin NiculaeFitness Coach
Bogdan Vintilă fm 2020 Bogdan VintilăManager
Octavian Grigore fm 2020 Octavian GrigoreManager
Marius Măldărăşanu fm 2020 Marius MăldărăşanuManager
Alexandru Pelici fm 2020 Alexandru PeliciManager
Dragoş Paraschiv fm 2020 Dragoş ParaschivPhysio
Bogdan Vrăjitoarea fm 2020 Bogdan VrăjitoareaCoach
Vasile Simionaş fm 2020 Vasile SimionaşScout
Alin Minteuan fm 2020 Alin MinteuanManager
Daniel Opriţa fm 2020 Daniel OpriţaManager
Marius Iorga fm 2020 Marius IorgaScout
Bogdan Ursu fm 2020 Bogdan UrsuPhysio
Petre Rădăuceanu fm 2020 Petre RădăuceanuPhysio
Cătălin Gheţa fm 2020 Cătălin GheţaPhysio
George Ciapă fm 2020 George CiapăCoach
Ion Diaconu fm 2020 Ion DiaconuCoach
Laszlo Polgar fm 2020 Laszlo PolgarGoalkeeping Coach
Benone Dohot fm 2020 Benone DohotGoalkeeping Coach
Géza Bedőházi fm 2020 Géza BedőháziCoach
Lorand Ghinea fm 2020 Lorand GhineaCoach
Cristian Dulca fm 2020 Cristian DulcaManager
Daniel Mogoşanu fm 2020 Daniel MogoşanuManager
Dragoş Stăvaru fm 2020 Dragoş StăvaruHead of Youth Development
Nicu Lazăr fm 2020 Nicu LazărAssistant Manager
Adrian Ene fm 2020 Adrian EneGoalkeeping Coach
Adrian Kerezsy fm 2020 Adrian KerezsyManager
Iosif Rotariu fm 2020 Iosif RotariuCoach
Dumitru Bolborea fm 2020 Dumitru BolboreaCoach
Vasile Cosarek fm 2020 Vasile CosarekManager



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