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FM 2020 Romanian Best Staff List, Profiles, page 13

FM 2019
Leontin Doană fm 2020 Leontin DoanăManager
Marin Tudorache fm 2020 Marin TudoracheManager
Cristian Lupuţ fm 2020 Cristian LupuţManager
Răzvan Dâlbea fm 2020 Răzvan DâlbeaCoach
Marcel Abăluţă fm 2020 Marcel AbăluţăManager
Alexandru Radu fm 2020 Alexandru RaduFitness Coach
Gheorghe Dămăşaru fm 2020 Gheorghe DămăşaruPhysio
Vasile Bîrdeş fm 2020 Vasile BîrdeşManager
Remus Gîlmencea fm 2020 Remus GîlmenceaManager
Gabriel Popa fm 2020 Gabriel PopaGoalkeeping Coach
Silviu Nişu fm 2020 Silviu NişuFitness Coach
Nistor Văidean fm 2020 Nistor VăideanCoach
Bebe Manole fm 2020 Bebe ManoleCoach
Răzvan Toboşaru fm 2020 Răzvan ToboşaruAssistant Manager
Gabriel Vasiliu fm 2020 Gabriel VasiliuGoalkeeping Coach
Bogdan Popa fm 2020 Bogdan PopaAssistant Manager
Ciprian Avăcăriţei fm 2020 Ciprian AvăcăriţeiCoach
Alin Popescu fm 2020 Alin PopescuAssistant Manager
Alpar Meszaros fm 2020 Alpar MeszarosManager
Vasile Gheorghe fm 2020 Vasile GheorgheCoach
Cristian Păcurar fm 2020 Cristian PăcurarAssistant Manager
Ionuţ Hristache fm 2020 Ionuţ HristachePhysio
Iosif Damaschin fm 2020 Iosif DamaschinCoach
Alexandru Stoica fm 2020 Alexandru StoicaCoach
Carol Fekete fm 2020 Carol FeketeGoalkeeping Coach
Mircea Şchiopu fm 2020 Mircea ŞchiopuCoach
Andrei Biliga fm 2020 Andrei BiligaGoalkeeping Coach
Constantin Mareş fm 2020 Constantin MareşCoach
Daniel Şchiopu fm 2020 Daniel ŞchiopuManager
Constantin Andriucă fm 2020 Constantin AndriucăCoach
Petrică Calotă fm 2020 Petrică CalotăHead of Youth Development
Ştefan Soldat fm 2020 Ştefan SoldatDirector of Football
Augustin Călin fm 2020 Augustin CălinManager
Adrian Rus fm 2020 Adrian RusPhysio
Codru Grădinariu fm 2020 Codru GrădinariuDirector of Football
Iulian Muntean fm 2020 Iulian MunteanManager
Marius Oprea fm 2020 Marius OpreaHead of Youth Development
Alin Cazan fm 2020 Alin CazanCoach
Dan Chiorean fm 2020 Dan ChioreanPhysio
Cătălin Rădulescu fm 2020 Cătălin RădulescuFitness Coach



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