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FM 2020 Mexican Best Staff List, Profiles, page 6

FM 2019
Julián Gómez fm 2020 Julián GómezSports Scientist
Jesús Ramírez fm 2020 Jesús RamírezSports Scientist
Gilberto Gutiérrez fm 2020 Gilberto GutiérrezSports Scientist
Francisco García fm 2020 Francisco GarcíaData Analyst
Miguel Díaz fm 2020 Miguel DíazData Analyst
Hector Morales fm 2020 Hector MoralesSports Scientist
José Luis Cardenas fm 2020 José Luis CardenasSports Scientist
Gerardo Zayas fm 2020 Gerardo ZayasFitness Coach
Néstor Genaro Ibarra fm 2020 Néstor Genaro IbarraFitness Coach
Ricardo Enríquez fm 2020 Ricardo EnríquezHead of Youth Development
Beatriz Olmedo fm 2020 Beatriz OlmedoPhysio
José Enrique Vaca fm 2020 José Enrique VacaDirector of Football
Antonio de la Torre fm 2020 Antonio de la TorreScout
Marco Antonio Ríos fm 2020 Marco Antonio RíosFitness Coach
Guillermo Leal fm 2020 Guillermo LealFitness Coach
Jorge Domínguez fm 2020 Jorge DomínguezScout
Jorge Isaác Gómez fm 2020 Jorge Isaác GómezFitness Coach
Miguel Ángel Monola fm 2020 Miguel Ángel MonolaPhysio
Alberto Pedraza fm 2020 Alberto PedrazaFitness Coach
Antonio Sancho fm 2020 Antonio SanchoDirector of Football
Valentín Álvarez fm 2020 Valentín ÁlvarezHead of Youth Development
Nicolás Morales fm 2020 Nicolás MoralesAssistant Manager
Ricardo Carbajal fm 2020 Ricardo CarbajalManager
Alan Cruz fm 2020 Alan CruzGoalkeeping Coach
Raúl Alpízar fm 2020 Raúl AlpízarCoach
Gerardo Galindo fm 2020 Gerardo GalindoCoach
Luis Felipe Peña fm 2020 Luis Felipe PeñaCoach
Juan Carlos Franco fm 2020 Juan Carlos FrancoDirector of Football
Eduardo Rergis fm 2020 Eduardo RergisHead of Youth Development
Édgar Solano fm 2020 Édgar SolanoCoach
Ricardo Guillermo Hernández fm 2020 Ricardo Guillermo HernándezManager
Víctor Hugo Mora fm 2020 Víctor Hugo MoraManager
Alejandro López fm 2020 Alejandro LópezFitness Coach
Carlos Turrubiates fm 2020 Carlos TurrubiatesManager
Javier Quintero Morones fm 2020 Javier Quintero MoronesGoalkeeping Coach
Mario Hernández Lash fm 2020 Mario Hernández LashDirector of Football
Enrique López Zarza fm 2020 Enrique López ZarzaManager
Arturo Corona fm 2020 Arturo CoronaFitness Coach
Diego Torres fm 2020 Diego TorresAssistant Manager
Juan Carlos Medina fm 2020 Juan Carlos MedinaScout


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