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FM 2020 Brazilian Best Players Review, Profiles, page 3

Emerson fm 2020 EmersonD/WB (R)
Diego Carlos fm 2020 Diego CarlosD (C)
Felipe Melo fm 2020 Felipe MeloDM, M (C)
Raphinha fm 2020 RaphinhaAM (RL)
Everton Ribeiro fm 2020 Everton RibeiroM/AM (RLC)
Rafael Tolói fm 2020 Rafael TolóiD (C)
Dante fm 2020 DanteD (C)
Ricardo Oliveira fm 2020 Ricardo OliveiraST (C)
Tete fm 2020 TeteM/AM (R)
Marcelo Grohe fm 2020 Marcelo GroheGK
Evander fm 2020 EvanderDM, M (C), AM (RLC)
Maicon fm 2020 MaiconD (C)
Santos fm 2020 SantosGK
Jean Pyerre fm 2020 Jean PyerreM/AM (C)
Ricardo Goulart fm 2020 Ricardo GoulartM/AM (C), ST (C)
Wendell fm 2020 WendellD (LC), WB (L)
Wanderson fm 2020 WandersonAM (RL)
Talles Magno fm 2020 Talles MagnoAM (RLC), ST (C)
Soares fm 2020 SoaresST (C)
Wendel fm 2020 WendelDM, M (C)
Jardel fm 2020 JardelD (C)
Victor fm 2020 VictorGK
João Pedro fm 2020 João PedroAM (C), ST (C)
Carlos Vinicius fm 2020 Carlos ViniciusST (C)
Souza fm 2020 SouzaDM, M (C)
Rogério fm 2020 RogérioD/WB (L)
Thiago Mendes fm 2020 Thiago MendesDM, M (C)
Marcos Guilherme fm 2020 Marcos GuilhermeAM (C)
Vágner Love fm 2020 Vágner LoveAM (LC), ST (C)
Lyanco fm 2020 LyancoD (C)

Other Nations

fm20 Uruguay Uruguay
fm20 Turkey Turkey
fm20 Spain Spain
fm20 Portugal Portugal
fm20 Netherlands Netherlands
fm20 Italy Italy
fm20 Germany Germany
fm20 France France
fm20 England England
fm20 Croatia Croatia
fm20 Chile Chile
fm20 Brazil Brazil
fm20 Belgium Belgium
fm20 Argentina Argentina
fm20 Wales Wales
fm20 Venezuela Venezuela
fm20 United States United States
fm20 Ukraine Ukraine
fm20 Trinidad and Tobago Trinidad and Tobago
fm20 Togo Togo
fm20 Sweden Sweden
fm20 Swaziland Swaziland
fm20 South Africa South Africa
fm20 Slovenia Slovenia
fm20 Slovakia Slovakia
fm20 Serbia Serbia
fm20 Senegal Senegal
fm20 Scotland Scotland
fm20 Russia Russia
fm20 Romania Romania


Cyrus deayu Flor
Cyrus deayu Flor

I feel that Philippe coutinho is the next talk about on plant earth


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